Creating a resource in the cloud is useless if we don't use it. Let's see how to use the one previously created through pgAdmin:
- We will click on Overview at the top on the left-hand side in our Azure database for the PostgreSQL server:
Figure Appendix.37 – PostgreSQL server credentials
From the preceding view, we will copy the following credentials:
- Server name:
- Admin username: dba@atm-server
- Now, in our local pgAdmin, we will click on Create | Server...:
Figure Appendix.38 – pgAdmin for Azure
- On the Connection tab, we will name our server Azure PostgreSQL database:
Figure Appendix.39 – Azure PostgreSQL server setup
- The most important step is in the Connection tab, where we will add those parameters that we obtained in Step 1 and then click on the Save button:
Figure Appendix.40 – Connection permission for Azure PostgreSQL (cont...