Managing the collision and chase behavior
Over the few last chapters, we learned how to build a great foundation for an RTS game. In Chapter 7, Attacking and Defending Units, we started to develop the UnitComponent script, which has now been updated to have more features. After that, in Chapter 8, Implementing the Pathfinder, we used the Unity built-in NavMesh system to move units on the map. Then, in Chapter 9, Adding Enemies, we created the EnemyComponent script, which we have also updated now, and added enemy variations.
In this chapter, we updated and expanded the scripts from the chapters mentioned, and now we are going to put everything together to set up combat between units and enemies. First, we will need a new script to handle the collision between units and enemies, and vice versa. Once we have the collision detection ready to use, we are going to update and create the NavMesh scripts so that both systems can work together without causing issues.