The binomial distribution
The preceding histogram looks a great deal like a normal distribution, but in fact it is a binomial distribution. The two distributions are very similar, but the binomial distribution is used to model cases where we want to determine how many times a binary event is expected to occur.
Let's plot both the binomial and the normal distribution on a histogram to see how they compare:
(defn ex-4-9 [] (let [passengers (concat (repeat 127 0) (repeat 339 1)) bootstrap (s/bootstrap passengers i/sum :size 10000) binomial (fn [x] (s/pdf-binomial x :size 466 :prob (/ 339 466))) normal (fn [x] (s/pdf-normal x :mean 339 :sd 9.57))] (-> (c/histogram bootstrap :x-label "Female Survivors" :series-label "Bootstrap" :nbins 20 :density true :legend true) (c/add-function binomial...