For most of the recipes so far, we've used the ChronoForms Form Wizard to create our forms. This is quick and simple, and sometimes it just doesn't do what we need. For example, if the form needs a different layout, if we already have a form on an old site, if we need something more complex that takes too long with the Wizard, or if we just enjoy hand-coding HTML. In any of these cases, we need other ways of getting our HTML to work with ChronoForms.
With very few limits, ChronoForms will quite happily accept any HTML from any source; it doesn't have to be created in ChronoForms.
It will help here if we make some distinctions to be clear just what we are talking about as we go forward. A web form has several parts:
The Page HTML: All of the HTML code that goes into creating the web page.
The Form HTML: Those parts of the HTML that are specifically linked to the way this form works. Mostly these are the form controls —
<input>, <select>, <option>, <textarea...