Monitoring Cyber Threat Intelligence with Web Browsing
In the constantly evolving landscape of cybersecurity, staying informed about the latest threats is critical. With the introduction of OpenAI’s web browsing feature, cybersecurity professionals now have a potent tool at their disposal to streamline the process of monitoring threat intelligence. This recipe will guide you through utilizing the new OpenAI interface to access, analyze, and utilize up-to-the-minute threat data to safeguard your digital assets.
The initial release of ChatGPT opened up a new realm of possibilities by allowing users to engage in natural language conversations with an AI. As it evolved, new capabilities were introduced, such as code interpretation and web browsing, but these were distinct functionalities. The latest iteration of ChatGPT Plus has amalgamated these features, offering a more integrated and dynamic user experience.
In the world of cybersecurity, such a user experience might translate...