Conventions Used
There are a few text conventions used throughout this book:
Code in text: These elements refer to code snippets, table names in databases, folder and file names, extensions, file paths, placeholder URLs, user inputs, and references to Twitter handles. Here is an example: “Select Azure SQL Service
from the Azure dashboard. Create a new Azure SQL instance if you don’t already have one.”
Code block within paragraphs: A block of code is set as follows:
az vm extension set \
--resource-group <YOUR_RESOURCE_GROUP> \
--vm-name <VM_NAME> \
--name OmsAgentForLinux \
--publisher Microsoft.EnterpriseCloud.Monitoring \
--protected-settings ‹{«workspaceKey»:»<YOUR_WORKSPACE_KEY>»}› \
--settings ‹{«workspaceId”:”<YOUR_WORKSPACE_ID>”}’
Code block within steps: When a code block is part of a step, it is presented as follows:
- Insert the following dummy values into this table:
INSERT INTO [dbo].[FactTrips] values (100, 200, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
INSERT INTO [dbo].[FactTrips] values (101, 201, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
INSERT INTO [dbo].[FactTrips] values (102, 202, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
Bold: This indicates a definition or an important word or words that you see on screen. Here is an example: “Azure is one of the major hyperscalers in the industry, offering Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Software as a Service (SaaS).”
Supplementary details: Important or additional information is provided as a Note or Further knowledge. They appear as follows:
Note/Further knowledge
Notes or Further knowledge appear in the book like this.