Chapter 5. Analyzing Crime Patterns with ArcGIS Desktop, ArcPy, and Plotly(Part 2)
In this, the second of two chapters that cover the creation of crime analysis tools in ArcGIS, we will concentrate primarily on the development of charts and graphs using a combination of ArcGIS Desktop and ArcPy
along with Plotly
at Plotly
is an online analytics and data visualization tool for graphs, analytics, and statistics. It includes a Python library that can be integrated with GIS data to supplement maps and analysis generated with ArcGIS Desktop.
The Crime Analysis toolbox created in the last chapter will be the focus as we add several new tools. The first tool, Create Neighborhood Bar Chart, will create a bar chart of crimes by Seattle neighborhood. Next, the Create Line Plot tool will graph the number of crimes over time on a line plot. This tool can be used to find seasonal patterns of crime. Finally, we'll enhance both tools to write their output to the ArcMap layout...