Now that we have a better understanding of what an evil twin is, we can now discuss how to detect them. One of the best evil twin detection tools is called EvilAP_Defender. This tool helps cyber security teams detect and prevent evil twins from attacking users of the wireless network. When EvilAP_Defender detects an evil twin, a notification is sent to your e-mail. When a rogue access point is discovered EvilAP_Defender can execute a DoS attack on users to prevent them from connecting to the rogue access point. The DoS attacks allows for more time to plan a more calculated response to end the evil twin attack. The DoS attack will only target SSIDs with the same name as the real access point. To detect evil twins, EvilAP_Defender uses specific criteria. EvilAP_Defender will scan for access points with the same BSSID as the real access point. Next, the attributes of both access points will...