- Android
- asynchronous event collisions / Previewing and saving photos in CameraActivity
- 3D graphics / Learning more about 3D graphics on Android
- Android Developer Tools (ADT) Bundle / Assembling a development environment piece-by-piece
- AndroidManifest.xml(manifest)
- camera, enabling / Enabling camera and disk access in the manifest
- disk access , enabling / Enabling camera and disk access in the manifest
- Android Virtual Devices (AVDs) / System requirements
- apply() method / Mixing color channels
- ARCubeRenderer
- cube, rendering / Rendering the cube in ARCubeRenderer
- ARCubeRenderer methods / Adding 3D tracking and rendering to CameraActivity
- ARFilter interface
- defining / Defining the ARFilter interface
- C++ API documentation / Finding documentation and help
- CameraActivity
- photos, previewing / Previewing and saving photos in CameraActivity
- photos, saving / Previewing and saving photos in CameraActivity
- filters, adding to / Adding the filters to CameraActivity
- tracker filters, adding to / Adding the tracker filters to CameraActivity
- 3D tracking, adding to / Adding 3D tracking and rendering to CameraActivity
- 3D tracking, rendering to / Adding 3D tracking and rendering to CameraActivity
- CameraProjectionAdapter
- projection matrices, building / Building projection matrices in CameraProjectionAdapter
- channel mixing
- L*a*b / Mixing color channels
- clipping distances / Building projection matrices in CameraProjectionAdapter
- color channels
- mixing / Mixing color channels
- RGB / Mixing color channels
- HSV / Mixing color channels
- L*a*b / Mixing color channels
- color shifts
- creating, with curves / Making subtle color shifts with curves
- com.nummist .secondsight.adapters.CameraProjectionAdapterclass / Adding files to the project
- com.nummist.secondsight.ARCubeRenderer class / Adding files to the project
- class / Adding files to the project
- / Adding files to the project
- com.nummist.secondsight.filters.convolution. StrokeEdgesFilter class / Adding files to the project
- com.nummist.secondsight.filters.curve.CurveFilter / Adding files to the project
- com.nummist.secondsight.filters.Filter / Adding files to the project
- com.nummist.secondsight.filters.NoneFilter class / Adding files to the project
- convolution filters
- pixels, processing / Processing a neighborhood of pixels with convolution filters
- convolution matrix / Processing a neighborhood of pixels with convolution filters
- Core.split(Mat m, List<Mat> mv) method / Mixing color channels
- Core.split method / Mixing color channels
- CrossProcessCurveFilter class / Making subtle color shifts with curves
- curves
- used, for subtle color shifts / Making subtle color shifts with curves
- 3D graphics
- on Android / Learning more about 3D graphics on Android
- 3D tracking
- ImageDetectionFilter, modifying for / Modifying ImageDetectionFilter for 3D tracking
- ImageDetectionFilter, modifying for / Modifying ImageDetectionFilter for 3D tracking
- rendering, to CameraActivity / Adding 3D tracking and rendering to CameraActivity
- adding, to CameraActivity / Adding 3D tracking and rendering to CameraActivity
- desaturate blues / Mixing color channels
- development environment
- setting up / Setting up a development environment
- TADP / Getting a ready-made development environment – Tegra Android Development Pack (TAPD)
- assembling / Assembling a development environment piece-by-piece
- prebuilt OpenCV4Android, getting / Getting the prebuilt OpenCV4Android
- OpenCV4Android, building from source / Building OpenCV4Android from source
- drawable resources / Writing an image tracking filter
- draw method / Modifying ImageDetectionFilter for 3D tracking
- Eclipse project
- creating / Creating the Eclipse project
- files, adding to / Adding files to the project
- files
- adding, to Eclipse project / Adding files to the project
- adding, to project / Adding files to the project
- files, adding to Eclipse project
- new types, adding to / Adding files to the project
- Filter interface, defining / Defining the Filter interface
- filters
- adding, to CameraActivity / Adding the filters to CameraActivity
- findHomography method / Modifying ImageDetectionFilter for 3D tracking
- findSceneCorners() helper method / Writing an image tracking filter
- getGLPose() method / Defining the ARFilter interface
- ImageDetectionFilter
- modifying, for 3D tracking / Modifying ImageDetectionFilter for 3D tracking
- ImageDetectionFilter class / Adding files to the project
- image tracking
- about / Understanding image tracking
- steps / Understanding image tracking
- features / Understanding image tracking
- descriptors / Understanding image tracking
- matches / Understanding image tracking
- homography / Understanding image tracking
- image tracking filter
- writing / Writing an image tracking filter
- Imgproc.cvtColor static method / Mixing color channels
- Improc.cvtColor() method / Previewing and saving photos in CameraActivity
- Intent.createChooser() method / Deleting, editing, and sharing photos in LabActivity
- Intents / Deleting, editing, and sharing photos in LabActivity
- JmonkeyEngine / Learning more about 3D graphics on Android
- kernel / Processing a neighborhood of pixels with convolution filters
- L*a*b / Mixing color channels
- LabActivity
- photos, deleting / Deleting, editing, and sharing photos in LabActivity
- photos, editing / Deleting, editing, and sharing photos in LabActivity
- photos, sharing / Deleting, editing, and sharing photos in LabActivity
- Laplacian filter / Processing a neighborhood of pixels with convolution filters
- LogCat tab / Building the OpenCV samples with Eclipse
- menu
- creating / Creating menu and string resources
- min operation / Mixing color channels
- onCreate() method / Deleting, editing, and sharing photos in LabActivity
- onCreate method / Adding the filters to CameraActivity
- onDrawFrame(GL10 gl) methods / Rendering the cube in ARCubeRenderer
- onOptionsItemSelected method / Adding the filters to CameraActivity
- onSaveInstanceState method / Adding the filters to CameraActivity
- onSurfaceChanged(GL10 gl, int width, int height) method / Rendering the cube in ARCubeRenderer
- onSurfaceCreated(GL10 gl, EGLConfig config) method / Rendering the cube in ARCubeRenderer
- OpenCV
- system requirements / System requirements
- building, from Eclipse / Building the OpenCV samples with Eclipse
- help documentation / Finding documentation and help
- OpenCV
- samples functionality / Building the OpenCV samples with Eclipse
- OpenCV4Android, building from source
- software requirements / Building OpenCV4Android from source
- software requirements, Git / Building OpenCV4Android from source
- software requirements, CMake / Building OpenCV4Android from source
- software requirements,Apache Ant 1.8.0 / Building OpenCV4Android from source
- software requirements ,Apache Ant 1.8.0 / Building OpenCV4Android from source
- software requirements, Python 2.6 / Building OpenCV4Android from source
- OpenCV Manager app / Building the OpenCV samples with Eclipse
- photos
- previewing, in CameraActivity / Previewing and saving photos in CameraActivity
- saving, in CameraActivity / Previewing and saving photos in CameraActivity
- deleting, in LabActivity / Deleting, editing, and sharing photos in LabActivity
- editing, in LabActivity / Deleting, editing, and sharing photos in LabActivity
- sharing, in LabActivity / Deleting, editing, and sharing photos in LabActivity
- pixel-related units / Building projection matrices in CameraProjectionAdapter
- projection matrices
- building, in CameraProjectionAdapter / Building projection matrices in CameraProjectionAdapter
- release() method / Adding 3D tracking and rendering to CameraActivity
- RGB / Mixing color channels
- rotation-invariant / Understanding image tracking
- scale-invariant / Understanding image tracking
- Second Sight app
- designing / Designing our app – Second Sight
- CameraActivity / Designing our app – Second Sight
- LabActivity / Designing our app – Second Sight
- static methods, OpenCV
- Core.bitwise_not(Mat src, Mat dst) / Processing a neighborhood of pixels with convolution filters
- Core.multiply(Mat src1, Mat src2, Mat dst, double scale / Processing a neighborhood of pixels with convolution filters
- string resources
- creating / Creating menu and string resources
- system requirements, OpenCV
- about / System requirements
- Android / System requirements
- about / Getting a ready-made development environment – Tegra Android Development Pack (TAPD)
- setting up / Getting a ready-made development environment – Tegra Android Development Pack (TAPD)
- tracker filters
- adding, to CameraActivity / Adding the tracker filters to CameraActivity
- triangle fan / Rendering the cube in ARCubeRenderer
- Ubuntu
- environment variables, editing / Assembling a development environment piece-by-piece
- VelviaCurveFilter class / Making subtle color shifts with curves
- view frustum / Building projection matrices in CameraProjectionAdapter
- Welcome to Eclipse screen / Building the OpenCV samples with Eclipse
- Windows
- environment variables, editing / Assembling a development environment piece-by-piece
- workspace / Building the OpenCV samples with Eclipse