Operating and managing global tables
In this section, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to convert a single-region DynamoDB table into a global table with at least one replica. We will also cover some of the functional and cost aspects of using global tables, as costs should always be a factor in designing solutions. Additionally, we will review the monitoring support that’s available with global tables, in addition to the standard monitoring provided for non-global, single-region DynamoDB tables.
Converting a single-region table into a global table
If you have been through earlier chapters of this book, you should know that we occasionally performed several tests using an Employee
table. In case you haven’t, it is a single-region, non-global DynamoDB table with a handful of items and can be thought of as a table that contains information about employee aliases, their full names, their designation, skills, and line manager aliases. The table’s key...