Example of an imaging solution with workflow
Let's consider a sample imaging use case scenario. Let's say that you have remote client offices, which scan all of the checks, OCR them, extracts metadata, and sends them over to you for approval, payment, and storage.
The sample solution provided in this section uses all of the features you have learned so far, including business rules, transformations, security, and workflow. The solution is useful for scanning a paper document (such as a check or a claim form), OCR it, extracting important data, transforming the document to a required format (such as in a GIF format), and delivering it to your business application and database.
Refer the architecture diagram that was shown in the previous figure. A remote office can be connected to your central Alfresco repository to bulk upload scanned documents. Once a document is uploaded to a space, business rules will be triggered thereby transforming the document to a required format and moving...