Conceptualizing an augmented workforce
The rapid advancement of technology has brought about a fundamental shift in the way organizations operate. As we navigate the era of digital transformation, the concept of an augmented workforce has emerged as a key strategy for organizations to enhance their competitive advantage. By leveraging intelligent technologies, organizations can augment the skills and capabilities of their workforce, leading to improved efficiency, productivity, and innovation. Gartner predicts that by 2027, 25% of CIOs will use augmented connected workforce initiatives to reduce time to competency by 50% for key roles (available at*gbpyoj*_ga*NDA3OTY3NTczLjE3MDIwODkwMDQ.*_ga_R1W5CE5FEV*MTcwMjIxNTg5My4zLjEuMTcwMjIxNjQ5MC41NC4wLjA).
The concept of an augmented workforce involves developing human talent using intelligent technologies that...