Optimizing keywords to improve ROI
You've set up your campaigns and added lots of keywords, and people have started clicking on your ads. Now the ongoing work of fine tuning begins. A key aspect of optimization is making sure that the keywords that work for you get the most possible exposure while the keywords that do not are properly identified.
Getting ready
First, understand your low and high performers. Customize your keyword columns to include conversion metrics.
Use filters and sorting to identify keywords that fall within and outside your CPA goals. Download keyword data into an Excel file, or another easier to work with format.
How to do it...
First, focus on your top performers:
Create separate campaigns for your best keywords to set a unique budget for top performers. This will help you ensure that your other, less profitable, keywords are not taking impressions away from your highest ROI terms.
Increase bids on keywords that are profitable but are not appearing in the top position....