Understanding the Anatomy of a neural network
Let's see what a neural networkneural network consists of:
- Layers: Layers are the core building blocks of a neural networkneural network. Each layer is a data-processing module that acts as a filter. It takes one or more inputs, processes it in a certain way, and then produces one or more outputs. Each time data passes through a layer, it goes through a processing phase and shows patterns that are relevant to the business question we are trying to answer.
- Loss function: A loss function provides the feedback signal that is used in the various iterations of the learning process. The loss function provides the deviation for a single example.
- Cost function: The cost function is the loss function on a complete set of examples.
- Optimizer: An optimizer determines how the feedback signal provided by the loss function will be interpreted.
- Input data: Input data is the data that is used to train the neural networkneural...