Scattering flowers in the landscape
Let’s repeat the steps from the previous section to scatter flowers in the landscape – but here, the situation is different. We have multiple flower elements. Should we create a new particle system for every flower object? No, there is a better way. We’ll be scattering the flowers as a collection.
You might wonder why we don’t just put everything in a collection, the rocks and flowers, and use just one particle system. The answer is that rocks and flowers don’t have the same characteristics. Rocks can be rotated on any axis, even flipped upside down, and they will remain rocks.
On the other hand, flowers don’t share the same characteristics as rocks. Flowers can only rotate on the z axis. This is why we’re putting flower objects inside a collection.
Putting flower objects inside a collection
Collections are a way Blender organizes scenes. Collections contain objects and everything else...