Mapping feature fields to images
After we generate a feature field of dimensions HV x WV x Mf, we need to map this to an image of dimension H x W x 3. Typically, HV < H, WV < W, and Mf > 3. The GIRAFFE model uses the two-stage approach since an ablation analysis showed it to be better than using a single-stage approach to generate the image directly.
The mapping operation is a parametric function that can be learned with data, and using a 2D CNN is best suited for this task since it is a function in the image domain. You can think of this function as an upsampling neural network like a decoder in an auto-encoder. The output of this neural network is the rendered image that we can see, understand, and evaluate. Mathematically, this can be defined as follows:

This neural network consists of a series of upsampling layers done using n blocks of nearest neighbor upsampling, followed by a 3 x 3 convolution and leaky ReLU. This creates a series of n...