In this article by Kyle Mew author of the book, Android 5 Programming by Example, we will learn how to:
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
Together, view.GestureDetector and view.View.OnTouchListener are all that are required to provide our ImageView with gesture functionality. The listener contains an onTouch() callback that relays each MotionEvent to the detector. We are going to program the large ImageView so that it can display a small gallery of related pictures that can be accessed by swiping left or right on the image.
There are two steps to this task as, before we implement our gesture detector, we need to provide the data for it to work on.
As this app is for demonstration and learning purposes, and so we can progress as quickly as possible, we will only provide extra images for one or two of the ancient sites in the project. Here is how it's done:
static Integer[] hengeArray = {R.drawable.henge_large, R.drawable.henge_2, R.drawable.henge_3, R.drawable.henge_4}; static Integer[] horseArray = {}; static Integer[] wallArray = {R.drawable.wall_large, R.drawable.wall_2}; static Integer[] skaraArray = {}; static Integer[] towerArray = {}; static Integer[][] galleryArray = {hengeArray, horseArray, wallArray, skaraArray, towerArray};
This is all very straightforward, and the code that will accompany it allows you to have individual arrays of any length. This is all we need to add to our gallery data. Now, we need to code our GestureDetector and OnTouchListener.
Along with the OnTouchListener that we will define for our ImageView, the GestureDetector has its own listeners. Here we will use GestureDetector.OnGestureListener to detect a fling gesture and collect the MotionEvent that describe it.
Follow these steps to program your ImageView to respond to fling gestures:
private static final int MIN_DISTANCE = 150; private static final int OFF_PATH = 100; private static final int VELOCITY_THRESHOLD = 75; private GestureDetector detector; View.OnTouchListener listener; private int ImageIndex;
detector = new GestureDetector(this, new GalleryGestureDetector()); listener = new View.OnTouchListener() { @Override public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { return detector.onTouchEvent(event); } };
ImageIndex = 0;
class GalleryGestureDetector implements GestureDetector.OnGestureListener { }
private int item; { item = MainActivity.currentItem; }
@Override public boolean onDown(MotionEvent e) { return true; }
@Override public void onShowPress(MotionEvent e) { detailImage.setElevation(4); }
@Override public boolean onFling(MotionEvent event1, MotionEvent event2, float velocityX, float velocityY) { if (Math.abs(event1.getY() - event2.getY()) > OFF_PATH) return false; if (MainData.galleryArray[item].length != 0) { // Swipe left if (event1.getX() - event2.getX() > MIN_DISTANCE && Math.abs(velocityX) > VELOCITY_THRESHOLD) { ImageIndex++; if (ImageIndex == MainData.galleryArray[item].length) ImageIndex = 0; detailImage.setImageResource(MainData .galleryArray[item][ImageIndex]); } else { // Swipe right if (event2.getX() - event1.getX() > MIN_DISTANCE && Math.abs(velocityX) > VELOCITY_THRESHOLD) { ImageIndex--; if (ImageIndex < 0) ImageIndex = MainData.galleryArray[item].length - 1; detailImage.setImageResource(MainData .galleryArray[item][ImageIndex]); } } } detailImage.setElevation(0); return true; }
The process of gesture detection in the preceding code begins when the OnTouchListener listener's onTouch() method is called. It then passes that MotionEvent to our gesture detector class, GalleryGestureDetector, which monitors motion events, sometimes stringing them together and timing them until one of the recognized gestures is detected. At this point, we can enter our own code to control how our app responds as we did here with the onDown(), onShowPress(), and onFling() callbacks. It is worth taking a quick look at these methods in turn.
It may seem, at the first glance, that the onDown() method is redundant; after all, it's the fling gesture that we are trying to catch. In fact, overriding the onDown() method and returning true from it is essential in all gesture detections as all the gestures begin with an onDown() event.
The purpose of the onShowPress() method may also appear unclear as it seems to do a little more than onDown(). As the JavaDoc states, this method is handy for adding some form of feedback to the user, acknowledging that their touch has been received. The Material Design guidelines strongly recommend such feedback and here we have raised the view's elevation slightly.
Without including our own code, the onFling() method will recognize almost any movement across the bounding view that ends in the user's finger being raised, regardless of direction or speed. We do not want very small or very slow motions to result in action; furthermore, we want to be able to differentiate between vertical and horizontal movement as well as left and right swipes. The MIN_DISTANCE and OFF_PATH constants are in pixels and VELOCITY_THRESHOLD is in pixels per second. These values will need tweaking according to the target device and personal preference. The first MotionEvent argument in onFling() refers to the preceding onDown() event and, like any MotionEvent, its coordinates are available through its getX() and getY() methods.
The MotionEvent class contains dozens of useful classes for querying various event properties—for example, getDownTime(), which returns the time in milliseconds since the current onDown() event.
In this example, we used GestureDetector.OnGestureListener to capture our gesture. However, the GestureDetector has three such nested classes, the other two being SimpleOnGestureListener and OnDoubleTapListener. SimpleOnGestureListener provides a more convenient way to detect gestures as we only need to implement those methods that relate to the gestures we are interested in capturing. We will shortly edit our Activity so that it implements the SimpleOnGestureListener instead, allowing us to tidy our code and remove the four callbacks that we do not need. The reason for taking this detour, rather than applying the simple listener to begin with, was to get to see all of the gestures available to us through a gesture listener and demonstrate how useful JavaDoc comments can be, particularly if we are new to the framework. For example, take a look at the following screenshot:
Another very handy tool is the Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS), which allows us to see what is going on inside our apps while they are running. The workings of our gesture listener are a good place to do this as most of its methods operate invisibly.
To view the workings of our OnGestureListener with DDMS, we need to first create a tag to identify our messages and then a filter to view them. The following steps demonstrate how to do this:
private static final String DEBUG_TAG = "tag";
Log.d(DEBUG_TAG, "onDown");
Log.d(DEBUG_TAG, "left"); Log.d(DEBUG_TAG, "right");
Open the Android DDMS pane from the Android tab at the bottom of the window or by pressing Alt + 6.
02-17 14:39:00.990 1430- 1430/com.example.kyle.ancientbritain D/tag﹕ onDown 02-17 14:39:01.039 1430- 1430/com.example.kyle.ancientbritain D/tag﹕ onSingleTapUp 02-17 14:39:03.503 1430- 1430/com.example.kyle.ancientbritain D/tag﹕ onDown 02-17 14:39:03.601 1430- 1430/com.example.kyle.ancientbritain D/tag﹕ onShowPress 02-17 14:39:04.101 1430- 1430/com.example.kyle.ancientbritain D/tag﹕ onLongPress 02-17 14:39:10.484 1430- 1430/com.example.kyle.ancientbritain D/tag﹕ onDown 02-17 14:39:10.541 1430- 1430/com.example.kyle.ancientbritain D/tag﹕ onScroll 02-17 14:39:11.091 1430- 1430/com.example.kyle.ancientbritain D/tag﹕ onScroll 02-17 14:39:11.232 1430- 1430/com.example.kyle.ancientbritain D/tag﹕ onFling 02-17 14:39:11.680 1430- 1430/com.example.kyle.ancientbritain D/tag﹕ right
02-17 14:39:01.039 1430-
1430/com.example.kyle.ancientbritain D/tag﹕ onSingleTapUp
DDMS is an invaluable tool when it comes to debugging our apps and seeing what is going on beneath the hood. Once a Log Tag has been defined in the code, we can then create a filter for it so that we see only the messages we are interested in. The Log class contains several methods to report information based on its level of importance. We used Log.d, which stands for debug. All these methods work with the same two parameters: Log.[method](String tag, String message). The full list of these methods is as follows:
It is worth noting that most debug messages will be ignored during the packaging for distribution except for the verbose messages; thus, it is essential to remove them before your final build.
Having seen a little more of the inner workings of our gesture detector and listener, we can now strip our code of unused methods by implementing GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener.
It is very simple to convert our gesture detector from one class of listener to another. All we need to do is change the class declaration and delete the unwanted methods. To do this, perform the following steps:
class GalleryGestureDetector extends GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener {
This is all you need to do to switch to the SimpleOnGestureListener. We have now successfully constructed and edited a gesture detector to allow the user to browse a series of images.
You will have noticed that there is no onDoubleTap() method in the gesture listener. Double-taps can, in fact, be handled with the third GestureDetector listener, OnDoubleTapListener, which operates in a very similar way to the other two. However, Google, in its UI guidelines, recommends that a long press should be used instead, whenever possible.
Before moving on to multitouch events, we will take a look at how to attach a GestureDetector listener to an entire Activity by adding a splash screen to our project. In the process, we will also see how to create a Full-Screen Activity and how to edit the Maniftest file so that our app launches with the splash screen.
The method we have employed so far allows us to attach a GestureDetector listener to any view or views and this, of course, applies to ViewGroups such as Layouts. There are times when we may want to detect gestures to be applied to the whole screen. For this purpose, we will create a splash screen that can be dismissed with a long press.
There are two things we need to do before implementing the gesture detector: creating a layout and editing the Manifest file so that the app launches with our splash screen.
The main difference between processing gestures for a whole Activity and an individual widget, is that we do not need an OnTouchListener as we can override the Activity's own onTouchEvent(). Here is how it is done:
Here we will need an image to act as the background for our splash screen. If you have not downloaded the project files from the Packt website, find an image, roughly of the size and aspect of your target device's screen, upload it to the project drawable folder, and call it splash. The file I used is 480 x 800 px.
<ImageView android:id="@+id/splash_image" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:src="@drawable/splash"/>
<TextView android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true" android:layout_centerHorizontal="true" android:layout_marginBottom="40dp" android:gravity="center_horizontal" android:textAppearance="?android:attr/ textAppearanceLarge" android:textColor="#fffcfcbd"/>
android:text="Welcome to <b>Ancient Britain</b>npress and hold nanywhere on the screennto start"
To save time adding string resources to the strings.xml file, enter a hardcoded string such as the preceding one and heed the warning from the editor to have the string extracted for you like this:
There is nothing in this layout that we have not encountered before. We removed all the padding so that our splash image will fill the layout; however, you will see from the preview that this does not appear to be the case. We will deal with this next in our Java code, but we need to edit our Manifest first so that the app gets launched with our SplashActivity.
It is very simple to configure the AndroidManifest file so that an app will get launched with whichever Activity we choose; the way it does so is with an intent. While we are editing the Manifest, we will also configure the display to fill
the screen. Simply follow these steps:
<style name="SplashTheme" parent="android:Theme.Material. NoActionBar.Fullscreen"> </style>
<activity android:name=".SplashActivity" android:theme="@style/SplashTheme" android:screenOrientation="portrait" android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize" android:label="Old UK" > <intent-filter> <action android_name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> <category android_name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> </intent-filter> </activity>
We have encountered themes and styles before and, here, we took advantage of a built-in theme designed for full screen activities. In many cases, we might have designed a landscape layout here but, as is often the case with splash screens, we locked the orientation with the android:screenOrientation property.
The android:configChanges line is not actually needed here, but is included as it is useful to know about it. Configuring any attribute such as this prevents the system from automatically reloading the Activity whenever the device is rotated or the screen size changed. Instead of the Activity restarting, the onConfigurationChanged() method is called. This was not needed here as the screen size and orientation were taken care of in the previous lines of code and this line was only included as a point of interest.
Finally, we changed the value of android:label. You may have noticed that, depending on the screen size of the device you are using, the name of our app is not displayed in full on the home screen or apps drawer. In such cases, when you want to use a shortened name for your app, it can be inserted here.
With everything else in place, we can get on with adding our gesture detector. This is not dissimilar to the way we did this before but, this time, we will apply the detector to the whole screen and will be listening for a long press, rather than a fling.
Along with implementing a gesture detector for the entire Activity here, we will also take the final step in configuring our splash screen so that the image fills the screen, but maintains its aspect ratio. Follow these steps to complete the app splash screen.
private GestureDetector detector;
ImageView imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.splash_image); imageView.setScaleType(ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP); detector = new GestureDetector(this, new SplashListener());
@Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { this.detector.onTouchEvent(event); return super.onTouchEvent(event); }
private class SplashListener extends GestureDetector. SimpleOnGestureListener { @Override public boolean onDown(MotionEvent e) { return true; } @Override public void onLongPress(MotionEvent e) { startActivity(new Intent(getApplicationContext(), MainActivity.class)); } }
The way a gesture detector is implemented across an entire Activity should be familiar by this point, as should the capturing of the long press event. The ImageView.setScaleType(ImageView.ScaleType) method is essential here; it is a very useful method in general. The CENTER_CROP constant scales the image to fill the view while maintaining the aspect ratio, cropping the edges when necessary.
There are several similar ScaleTypes, such as CENTER_INSIDE, which scales the image to the maximum size possible without cropping it, and CENTER, which does not scale the image at all. The beauty of CENTER_CROP is that it means that we don't have to design a separate image for every possible aspect ratio on the numerous devices our apps will end up running on. Provided that we make allowances for very wide or very narrow screens by not including essential information too close to the edges, we only need to provide a handful of images of varying pixel densities to maintain the image quality on large, high-resolution devices.
The scale type of ImageView can be set from within XML with android:scaleType="centerCrop", for example.
You may have wondered why we did not use the built-in Full-Screen Activity from the wizard; we could easily have done so. The template code the wizard creates for a Full-Screen Activity provides far more features than we needed for this exercise. Nevertheless, the template is worth taking a look at, especially if you want a fullscreen that brings the status bar and other components into view when the user interacts with the Activity.
That brings us to the end of this article. Not only have we seen how to make our apps interact with touch events and gestures, but also how to send debug messages to the IDE and make a Full-Screen Activity.
We began this article by adding a GestureDetector to our project. We then edited it so that we could filter out meaningful touch events (swipe right and left, in this case). We went on to see how the SimpleOnGestureListener can save us a lot of time when we are only interested in catching a subset of the recognized gestures. We also saw how to use DDMS to pass debug messages during runtime and how, through a combination of XML and Java, the status and action bars can be hidden and the entire screen be filled with a single view or view group.