Navigating Through the DevTools
Once installed in your browser (assuming you have a Vue.js application running), right-click and “Inspect Element” to bring up the browser’s development tools. At this point, you’ll notice there is a new tab, “Vue”. This “Vue” tab is the Vue.js DevTools extension. At the top right of the browser window, you’ll notice a Vue.js logo. This logo is a Vue.js detector. If you are visiting a website or web application that is not using Vue.js, the logo will be grayed out. If you are visiting a website or application with Vue.js, let’s say, Nuxt.js or Laravel, the logo will be colorized. This is a great way to see if a website that you stumble upon is using Vue.js or not.
Note: If you visit a site using Nuxt.js, the Nuxt logo will appear in place of the Vue.js logo.
If you have read through Chapter 2: Scaffolding Projects With Vue CLI 3 you should have created a Vue project with the command...