Creating Your First Unreal C++ Game
Unreal Engine (UE) is one of the most popular 3D computer graphics game engines developed by Epic Games, providing a comprehensive set of tools and functionalities to develop high-quality, immersive 3D simulations. The engine offers its intuitive visual scripting system, Blueprint, and a robust C++ programming framework for developers of all skill levels. This book provides a concise introduction to C++ programming and demonstrates how to write C++ scripts in UE for game development.
In this chapter, you will learn the essential skill of creating an Unreal C++ project from scratch or converting an existing Unreal Blueprint project into an Unreal C++ project, which serves as a fundamental skill to advance in game development. By mastering this process, you will gain the necessary foundation to take your game development abilities to the next level.
This chapter will cover the following topics:
- Understanding C++ scripting in Unreal
- Creating your C++ shooter project from a template
- Converting an existing Blueprint project to a C++ project