Technical requirements
It is highly recommended that you have a Linux system installed and ready for use. We recommend it be a virtual machine or a laptop that you can safely reinstall from scratch in case something goes horribly wrong. This will let you follow the examples in this book and perform any kind of exercise that we give you.
We are not going to cover an installation. Every distribution may use its own installer, be it graphical or text (depending on the distribution and which variant you’ve picked). You’ll need to note down or remember the name of your user (conveniently called username or login) and password. There are ways to get into the system if you have physical access and you don’t know either the login or password or both, but they are way outside the scope of this book.
Our main distribution in this book is Debian. However, you should be okay with any of the major ones we covered in the previous chapter, so long as it isn’t Alpine...