In this chapter, we focused heavily on an integration tool that can heavily automate your workspace and alleviate many of the menial tasks your team takes an immeasurable amount of time out of their day to complete. Essentially dissecting a new application, we learned what Zapier is and how to find the right plan for your team. We broke down Zapier's workflows, AKA Zaps, and learned how to integrate our Slack workspace while automating Zaps to meet our needs. We even focused on specific teams within our organization and how automating Zaps could benefit their everyday tasks, to-dos, and the ultimate collection of data and information. Overall, we learned how useful a tool Zapier is and how even more integral it becomes when combined with Slack.
In the next chapter, we'll get a closer look at what the Slack API is. Chapter 6, Your Workspace Slackbot, briefly touched upon the uses of the Slack API when it comes to incorporating Slackbot into your workspace channels...