In this chapter, we delved into the AWS capabilities at your disposal to monitor AWS Outposts. This chapter was heavily hands-on, with several examples to illustrate the potential of the services available to you. There is a lot more to it; Amazon CloudWatch is a very complex service, and it could have an entire book dedicated to it.
Congratulations on making it to this point; our journey has covered plenty of information and discoveries. It is not easy to get an AWS Outpost to play with, and I hope this book delivered on its promise to make you an Outposts hero. You already are one at this point, as the next chapters are light and easy by comparison.
It is now time to relax; we are on the last mile. In the next chapter, we will talk about what happens when things go wrong. That would be a nice title, but let’s give it the name Outposts Maintenance for the sake of elegance. Onto the next chapter!