In this appendix, we went through a variety of Warp concepts that we need to understand if we wish to replicate the to-do application in the Warp framework. Here, we defined some routes, and then connected these routes to a database. We then chained filters together to map out a range checks, including token presence, body, size, and fields, before processing our view. With this, we created a create to-do view that utilized all of these concepts. Editing, deleting, and creating to-do items can all be done in Warp with the concepts that we have covered.
We also utilized the modular code that we have been developing over the course of this book. It is testament to the power of modular coding that these modules could be merely copied in and plugged into our Warp server to be utilized. As stated in the previous chapter, Chapter 11, Understanding Rocket Web Framework, we can copy and paste the rendering module that we built in Chapter 5, Displaying Content in the Browser. This...