Home automation technology
For those interested in commercial and open source home automation applications and technology, we have provided links to several resources, including those related to X10:
- X10 knowledge base: http://kbase.x10.com/wiki/Main_Page
- X10.com: http://www.x10.com/homepage.htm
- Nest Learning Thermostat: http://www.nest.com/
- Android operating system: http://www.android.com/
- Android developer resources: http://developer.android.com/index.html
- Open source automation (Windows-based): http://www.opensourceautomation.com/
- Open Remote: http://www.openremote.org/display/HOME/OpenRemote
- Honeywell for your home: http://yourhome.honeywell.com/home/
- Hackaday blog: http://hackaday.com/
- Iris Smart Kit: http://www.lowes.com/cd_Products_1337707661000_