This chapter guided you through building your very first major project using MQTT and Raspberry Pi. We built an IoT weather station based on the NodeMCU development board. We started by discussing the hardware requirements for the weather station and briefly introduced the sensors we would be using. Then, we moved on to interfacing these sensors to the NodeMCU board and proceeded with writing the code for our weather station. In the next section, we set up the Raspberry Pi for this project. We created our project dashboard on Node-RED and added a new alert feature to our project as well.
As discussed above, this is a monitoring-based project, which only allows us to fetch the data from a node and display it on the dashboard. In the next chapter, we will explore the control capabilities of this system by creating a dashboard to control a smart home device (relay) based on another very popular development board, the ESP32 board. As a bonus, we will even create a printed circuit...