Monitoring an Azure SQL Database Using DMVs
DMVs return diagnostic data that can be used to monitor a database's health and performance.
Monitoring Database Metrics
The metrics available on the Azure portal can also be monitored using the sys.resource_stats DMV. This DMV returns the historical analysis for all the databases in an Azure SQL server. The data is collected and aggregated every 5 minutes and is retained for 14 days.
The following query returns the resource utilization from the last six hours:
You can also copy the queries from the C:\Code\Lesson09\MonitoringDMVs.sql file.
The file location may change depending on where you have unzipped the code files.
-- Execute in master database
-- Get utilization in last 6 hours for the toystore database Declare
@StartTime DATETIME = DATEADD(HH,-3,GetUTCDate()),
database_name, start_time, end_time, avg_cpu_percent, avg_data_io_percent,
avg_log_write_percent, (
FROM (VALUES (avg_cpu_percent...