What about now? Self-teaching and your first project
This is all nice; you read through this whole book, played with a Furby, have a few bluepills on your desk, as well as a JTAG adapter and a logic analyzer, but... now what?
Like I said before, this is as much a craft as it is a science... so, well, you have to practice! Practice and practice again!
Here is a list of things you can play with for cheap:
- Old routers, modems, and telecom equipment in general: They are super easy to find discarded in an office corner or at a flea market. They usually run some kind of embedded operating system and you may find some things you are not used to (VxWorks, Windows CE, Symbian, and so on) and "weird" architectures (8086, Z80, 68k, PPC, MIPS, and so on).
- Old toys: If you destroy an old toy that you bought for €1 at your local flea market, you won't care! This means that you will actually learn a lot. Even when destroying it you will learn (of course, you...