Chapter 4. The Application Builder Basic Concepts and Building Blocks
The APEX Integrated Development Environment (IDE) includes four major modules the Application Builder, SQL Workshop, Utilities, and a special ADMIN module. In this chapter, we will start to get to know the Application Builder, its basic concepts, modules, and functionality. These include:
The APEX Workspace
Working with the APEX IDE and the APEX Application Builder
Creating a new application or working on an existing one
The very basic concepts of the APEX application Page component, how to create/edit one, and its major building blocks, such as the page region
So let's start by defining the work frame in which we are operating while developing our APEX applications.
The APEX Workspace
This term was already mentioned briefly in the previous chapters, but now it's time to officially discuss it, and make it clearer.
APEX Workspace is a logical container that holds all the APEX resources needed to develop an APEX application(s...