Adding questions to a quiz
Once you've selected the quiz from your course home page, you can add questions to the question bank that is used when constructing the quiz. First, go to Administration | Quiz administration | Edit quiz. On the Editing quiz page, you can see the Add a question... button:
Figure 7.22 – Adding questions to a quiz
Before we look at the detailed instructions to create new questions, let's look at the Question bank contents button. Also, on the Quiz administration menu, you can see the options for Question bank; these options enable you to work with the question bank.
Functionality Booster
An essay is a question type in Moodle. Moodle 4.0 incorporates a word count feature for Essay questions, which allows you to set minimum and maximum word counts for answers. When the minimum word count has not been satisfied, a message will automatically appear and alert the learner.