Detecting non-stationarity in time series
Stationarity is a prevalent assumption in most econometrics models and is a rigorous and mathematical concept. But without getting into a lot of math, we can intuitively think about stationarity as the state where the statistical properties of the distribution from which the time series is sampled remain constant over time. This is relevant in time series as regression as well because we are estimating a single forecasting function across time. And if the behavior of the time series changes with time, the single function that we estimate may not be relevant all the time. For instance, if we think about the number of visitors to the nearby park in a day as a time series, we know that those patterns are going to be very different for pre- and post-pandemic periods. In the ML world, this phenomenon is called concept drift.
Intuitively, we can understand that it is easier to forecast a stationary series than a non-stationary series. But here...