In this chapter, you learned how code quality can be enhanced with the help of linters and formatters. You can now use common tools such as EditorConfig, Prettier, Stylelint, or ESLint. You are now able to add, configure, and run these tools in any project that you like.
At this point, you can contribute to pretty much all frontend projects that are based on Node.js for their tooling. Also, you can introduce great quality enhancers such as Prettier. Once successfully introduced, these tools ensure that certain quality gates are always fulfilled. In the case of Prettier, discussions about code style are mostly a thing of the past – helping teams all around the world to actually focus on the actual problem instead of dealing with code cosmetics.
A downside to keep in mind is that most of these tools have some assumptions about your code. So, if your code uses, for instance, one of the flavors we discussed in Chapter 4, Using Different Flavors of JavaScript, then...