UDP Service Sweeper
The UDP Service Sweeper auxiliary module allows us to detect interesting UDP services. Since UDP is a connectionless protocol, it is more difficult to probe than TCP. Using an auxiliary module like the UDP Service Sweeper can help you find some low-hanging fruit, in a timely manner.
How to do it...
To run the UDP Service Sweeper, select the auxiliary/scanner/discovery/udp_sweep
module and set the target address range in RHOSTS:
msf > use auxiliary/scanner/discovery/udp_sweep msf auxiliary(udp_sweep) > set RHOSTS RHOSTS => msf auxiliary(udp_sweep) > run [*] Sending 13 probes to> (256 hosts) [*] Discovered NetBIOS on (MACBOOK-PRO:<00>:U :00:50:56:c0:00:08) ... [*] Discovered Portmap on (100000 v2 TCP(111), 100000 v2 UDP(111), 100024 v1 UDP(52986), 100024 v1 TCP(53621), 100003 v2 UDP(2049), 100003 v3 UDP(2049), 100003 v4 UDP(2049), 100021 v1 UDP(49681...