In this section, we will discuss a 7 DOF robot manipulator called COOL arm-5000, which is manufactured by a company called ASIMOV Robotics (, and is shown in the following figure. The robot is built using DYNAMIXEL servos. We will see how to interface a Dynamixel-based robotic arm to ROS using dynamixel_controllers:
Figure 15: COOL robotic Arm.
COOL arm robots are fully compatible with ROS and MoveIt!, and are mainly used in education and research. Following are the details of the arms:
- Degree of Freedom: 7 DOF
- Types of Actuators: DYNAMIXEL MX-64 and MX-28
- List of Joints: Shoulder Roll, Shoulder Pitch, Elbow Roll, Elbow Pitch, Wrist Yaw, Wrist Pitch, and Wrist Roll
- Payload: 5 Kg
- Reach: 1 meter
- Work Volume: 2.09 m3
- Repeatability: +/- 0.05 mm
- Gripper with 3 fingers