This widget will display the data of the selected album from AlbumListWidget. Some buttons will allow us to interact with this album.
Try now to create the layout of the AlbumWidget.ui file. Here is the final result:
The top frame, albumInfoFrame, with a horizontal layout contains:
- albumName: displays the album's name (Lorem ipsum in the designer).
- addPicturesButton: allows the user to add picture files.
- editButton: used to rename the album.
- deleteButton: Used to delete the album.
The bottom element, thumbnailListView, is a QListView. This list view represents items from PictureModel. By default, QListView is able to display a picture next to a text requesting Qt::DisplayRole and Qt::DecorationRole from the model.
Take a look at the AlbumWidget.h header file:
#include <QWidget> #include <QModelIndex> namespace...