- What is the printed value of the following code?
#!/bin/bash myfunc() { arr=$1 echo "The array: ${arr[*]}" } my_arr=(1 2 3) myfunc ${my_arr[*]}
- What is the output of the following code?
#!/bin/bash myvar=50 myfunc() { myvar=100 } echo $myvar myfunc
- What is the problem with the following code? And how can you fix it?
clean_file { is_file "$1" BEFORE=$(wc -l "$1") echo "The file $1 starts with $BEFORE" sed -i.bak '/^\s*#/d;/^$/d' "$1" AFTER=$(wc -l "$1") echo "The file $1 is now $AFTER" }
- What is the problem with the following code? And how can you fix it?
#!/bin/bash myfunc() { arr=$@ echo "The array from inside the function: ${arr[*]}" } test_arr=(1 2 3) echo "The origianl array is: ${test_arr[*]}" myfunc...