Getting sensor data from the wind speed sensor
You'll use the same Adafruit library that you used in the previous chapters. If you have not installed this library, then install it and follow the instructions in Chapter 6, A Robot that Can Sail. Then create the following program:

When you run the program, you will see the output of the wind sensor in volts. You can put the wind sensor near a fan and you should see the value change, as shown in the following screenshot:

Note that this will give you an indication of the strength of the wind, but the reading is not calibrated.
In this case, you won't need a calibrated reading but just a relative indication of strength; you'll then use it to gauge the direction of the wind. As noted earlier, you'll want to mount the wind sensor on a servo. This can give you a better indication of the direction of the wind with respect to the sailboat. To do this, connect the servo as noted in Chapter 6, A Robot that Can Sail. Connect the control wire connection...