Using common sense to avoid mistakes
I have often been asked how I make sure that an Azure administrator does not accidentally delete production resources in the cloud. The answer, besides the use of technical features to be discussed in the next section, is that common sense helps a lot! You don't accidentally walk into your on-premises data center and pull one of your servers out of its rack, just to throw it out of a window afterward, do you? You usually do not run a nuke all script against your Hyper-V farm just to wonder where all your VMs have gone later that day, do you? And you surely do not accidentally erase your production SAN! There's a common opinion that, on Azure, you cannot accidentally delete a resource group.
Well, you can, if you accidentally confirm the Are you sure? dialog and then accidentally enter the resource group's name into the prompt. Resources are even more easily removed – either by accident, or by intention. So, we need something...