Makeover example two
In this example, we will move on to editing a RAW file that is very dark and displaying poor color. It will also require some very basic retouching to remove a series of sensor spots in the sky area.
Problem: As in the previous example, this RAW file is very drab, so much so that I pretty much ignored this shot for months. On closer inspection, I realized it has a great deal of creative potential. The reason I snapped this massive iceberg was, well, because it was massive and had an amazing inner blue color. The weather was cold, heavily overcast with a hint of color in the far distance, just above the horizon.
Solution: Use the Basic and Detail sliders on the right-hand side of the Camera RAW window to edit the picture back to perfection.
Outcome: I wanted to brighten the entire scene and really bring out both the color in the ice, the tone in the sky, and the details in the iceberg. Essentially, I wanted to add some more drama to this seascape:

Here's a good example...