Managing NSX logical switches
NSX logical switches are distributed switches just like vSphere distributed switches. Each logical switch is mapped to a unique Virtual eXtensible LAN (VXLAN). The VXLAN carries the virtual machine traffic over the physical network. The physical network can be a routed OSI layer three network. All the ESXi hosts in a vSphere cluster can share one or more NSX logical switches.
In the following sections, Creating NSX logical Switches , Retrieving NSX logical switches , and Removing NSX logical switches , you will learn to create, retrieve, and remove NSX logical switches using the NSX REST API.
Creating NSX logical switches
In the following screenshot of the vSphere Web Client, you can see that in order to create a new NSX logical switch you have to specify a name, transport zone, and the replication mode. Optionally, you can specify a description, enable IP discovery, and enable MAC learning.

In the NSX vSphere API Guide, NSX 6.2 for vSphere, example 7-23....