Design patterns
A design pattern solves a specific problem. It is not a tool; it is just a description or template that describes how to solve a specific problem. Design patterns are important, and they play a good role in writing clean and clear code.
One of the most widely used design patterns in the PHP community is the Model View Controller (MVC) pattern. Most PHP frameworks are built upon this pattern. MVC advises you to keep the business logic and data operations (that is, the model) separate from the presentation (the view). Controllers just play the role of a middleman between models and views and make the communication between them possible. There is no direct communication between models and views. If a view needs any kind of data, it sends a request to the controller. The controller knows how to operate on this request and, if needed, make a call to the model to perform any operation on the data (fetch, insert, validate, delete, and so on). Then at last, the controller sends a...