Chapter 8: Using MongoDB with Node.js
MongoDB is the database traditionally associated with Node.js. It is a NoSQL type database, which means that SQL will not be used to access the information it contains.
MongoDB is a document-oriented database in which we store so-called documents; that is, a data structure of any type, such as information written on a sheet of paper (which is then equivalent to a document). Several sheets of paper, thus corresponding to several documents, form what is called a collection.
An example of a document is, for example, the first name, the last name, and the address of a customer. Aggregated information from multiple customers would be called a collection.
In this chapter, we’ll study how to use MongoDB in conjunction with Node.js in order to store, read, delete, or update information in the database.
Inserting, searching, updating, or deleting data are the main actions that can be performed in a database. Therefore, in this chapter...