Finishing Up Your User Interface
In the previous chapter, you configured the Journal List screen to display 10 empty table view cells in a table view, added a bar button item to the navigation bar to present a view representing the Add New Journal Entry screen modally, and added Cancel and Save buttons to it.
In this chapter, you’ll add the remaining screens shown during the app tour in Chapter 10, Setting Up the User Interface. You’ll add the Journal Entry Detail screen, which will be displayed when a table view cell in the Journal List screen is tapped. You’ll configure this screen to display a table view with a fixed number of table view cells. You’ll also make the Map screen display a map.
By the end of this chapter, you’ll have learned how to add and configure a table view with a fixed number of cells to a storyboard scene, how to implement a segue that will display a screen when a cell in the Journal List screen is tapped, and how to...