We will explore the most basic format of the line plot on a single axis and move on to exploring a few more aspects of this chart in this section. Use the following query to create a line chart where we are interested in finding out the frequency of the Age variable:
Proc SGPLOT Data=Class;
Vline Age;
Title 'Basic Form of Line Chart using SGPLOT';
We get the following plot as the output:

There are only four data points for Age, and the y axis has the frequency of each data point.
The preceding chart only contains one series. We will not get a meaningful output if we use the following similar code for the Class dataset. Let's use the Cost_Living dataset we first used in Chapter 1, Introduction to SAS Programming, to plot a line chart with multiple series:
Proc SGPLOT Data=Cost_living;
Series X=City Y=Index / Legendlabel="Current Yr Index...