The Ohana culture
There is a famous animated science fiction comedy-drama film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios titled Lilo and Stitch, which is about a 6-year-old Hawaiian girl named Lilo, raised by her sister Nani after their parents die in an accident, and a blue extraterrestrial creature called Experiment 626, adopted by Lilo as her dog-like pet and renamed Stitch. Stitch, who is a genetically modified alien weapon made by a mad scientist who wanted to cause chaos and destruction throughout the galaxy, initially accepts Lilo's protection to avoid being captured by the intergalactic police.
Quickly, the two main characters develop a close family-like bond, represented by the Hawaiian concept of extended family, Ohana. Thanks to this bond, Stitch reconsiders his destructive nature. The whole movie is centered on the following line: Ohana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.
I didn't mean to spoil the movie (after all, it is...