What this book covers
Chapter 1, Exploring the Godot 4 Editor, covers the changes to the Godot Editor from Godot 3.x to Godot 4.0, and the new features in the Project settings and Editor settings.
Chapter 2, Transitioning to GDScript 2.0, teaches you about annotations, properties, the await keyword and coroutines, the super keyword, typed arrays, lambda functions, and using callables with signals.
Chapter 3, 2D and 3D Rendering with Vulkan, helps you understand SDF Global Illumination, volumetric fog, the FogVolume node, and particle nodes, using decals.
Chapter 4, Practicing Physics and Handling Navigation in Godot 4, teaches you how to use the Heightmap for 3D terrain, set up and move a CharacterBody2D/3D body, use NavigationServer3D/2D, and use SoftBody for 3D games.
Chapter 5, Playing with Shaders in Godot 4, helps you to create shaders with the Shader Creation dialog, and covers uniform arrays in the shader language, global and instance uniforms, the Visual Shader context menu, Integer and Comment nodes, creating nodes using Texture3D and CurveTexture, and using the Billboard and UVFunc nodes, Sky Shader, and Fog Shader mode.
Chapter 6, Importing 3D Assets in Godot 4, teaches you how to import Blender blend files, FBX files, and glTF files, and use the Import dialog.
Chapter 7, Adding Sound and Music to Your Game, helps you to understand how to use the polyphonic support in the AudioStreamPlayer and directional sound with 2D and 3D.
Chapter 8, Making 2D Games Easier with TileSet and TileMap, helps you understand the new TileSet editor, TileMap layers, TileMap tools, Tile Atlas Editing, TileSet physics, and navigation, creating custom data layers with TileSet, painting and transitioning terrain in TileMap, and organizing isometric tiles with TileSet.
Chapter 9, Achieving Better Animations Using the New Animation Editor, teaches you about the changes with transform tracks, the new Bezier Curve workflow, 3D rotation animations, bone posses, triggering a transition, and the new Movie Maker mode.
Chapter 10, Exploring New Multiplayer Features in Godot 4, helps you understand the new multiplayer spawner, multiplayer synchronizer, and how to use Headless mode and port forwarding on a peer-to-peer network using the UPNP class.