Partitioning the graph based on edge attributes
Nodes are the entities in a graph and edges depict the relationships among these nodes. Sometimes, more than the nodes, these edges are of more interest to anyone performing exploratory analysis on graphs. In this recipe, we will learn how to partition the graph based on edge parameters and color the graph accordingly, in order to get better insights into the network under consideration.
Getting ready
In order to get started with this recipe, we will need to load the Les Misérables network into Gephi. Gephi doesn't have an off-the-shelf partitioning technique that utilizes an edge-based parameter. So, go to the Data Laboratory mode in Gephi, click on the Edges tab in the Data Table panel, and add labels for some or all of the edges. Return to Overview mode.
How to do it…
The following steps describe how to partition the graph, based on the label classes of the edges of the Les Misérables network. These are the labels that we have just added: