Section 3: Mastering LaunchDarkly
This last section explores in detail the full set of functionality that LaunchDarkly provides to equip you to take full advantage of feature management and LaunchDarkly. From managing and configuring feature flags, users, and experiments through to understanding how the debugger works, there is a wealth of information and functionality that LaunchDarkly provides and this section goes through all aspects in depth. To conclude, this section details the features available for managing the access, authorization, and security of your LaunchDarkly account to allow you to confidently use LaunchDarkly to make changes to your production systems.
This section comprises the following chapters:
- Chapter 9, Feature Management in Depth
- Chapter 10, Users and Segments
- Chapter 11, Experiments
- Chapter 12, Debugger and Audit Log
- Chapter 13, Configuration, Settings, and Miscellaneous.