Using a progress bar to indicate that your application is busy
This recipe teaches you how to use a progress bar to indicate that your application is busy performing an operation. The next screenshot shows a progress bar built using this recipe:

How to do it...
1. Define the progress bar:
Ext.onReady(function() { Ext.QuickTips.init(); var pBar = new Ext.ProgressBar({ id: 'pBar', width: 300, renderTo: 'pBarDiv' });
2. Add a handler for the
event and use it to update the wait message:pBar.on('update', function(val) { //Handle this event if you need to // execute code at each progress interval.'pBarText').dom.innerHTML += '.'; });
3. Create a click handler for the button that will simulate a long-running activity:
var btn = Ext.get('btn'); btn.on('click', function() {'pBarText').update('Please wait'); btn.dom.disabled = true; pBar.wait({ interval: 200, duration: 5000, increment: 15, fn: function() { btn.dom.disabled = false;'pBarText').update('Done'); } }); }...