To Do App
In the previous section, we explored the team-based task management capabilities of the Planner app in Teams. For personal action item tracking and productivity, we have Microsoft To Do. To Do is a simple and powerful to-do list that brings together your personal and assigned tasks in one place. You can create tasks and lists to help you organize your day. To Do also shows tasks that have been assigned to you from Planner.
Let's take a look!
Creating Tasks in To Do
To begin creating personal tasks, you must navigate to the To Do app. You can get there by signing into and selecting the To Do app icon, or simply by navigating to and signing in with your work or school account.
This will land you on the To Do home screen, open on the My Day tab:
Figure 3.14 – To Do home screen
As you can see, the list displays a mixture of personal tasks and work-related tasks. To create a new...