Creating the EDM
Now that the Security
database is ready, we will explore how we can create an EDM on top of the Security
Note that, before Entity Framework 7, there were two storage models—the EDMX file format based on XML schema or code. With Entity Framework 7, the EDMX file format will be dropped—we will have only the code-based format. Interestingly, this approach is also termed the "code-first only" approach.
You can create the Entity Data Model in one of two ways:
- Use the ADO.NET Entity Data Model Designer
- Use the command-line Entity Data Model Designer called
The first approach is preferred to the second. However, as we move through the chapters of the book, we will explore how we can follow the code-first approach to implement the model for our application that uses Entity Framework.
We will first take a look at how we can design an EDM using the ADO.NET Entity Data Model Designer.